The Perpetual Peace Academy (PPA) is the first prototype of the Perpetual Peace Project’s third installment.
The Academy is a nomadic space for speculating about and practicing perpetual peace in an era marked by geopolitical unrest and environmental devastation. The school dares to envision everlasting peace when war has become the nomos of the planet. The Perpetual Peace Academy uses Immanuel Kant’s six preliminary articles for Perpetual Peace as design propositions. How might we design worlds where these articles are upheld? Can we imagine the systems of planetary law and governance where this would become a reality? What forms of polity would need to exist? And what responsibility do we owe each other as a species when Westphalian divisions of the planet are no longer viable?
The Academy is itself an ongoing design project. It asks: How do we design institutions that study and practice perpetual peace when global institutions of higher education operate according to logics of property, territorial expansion, and symbolic exchange that directly oppose such a peace? The Academy must find other means for survival and subsistence. Its architectures need to operate differently.
Since 2022, education modules for perpetual peace have been deployed all over the world. These modules are parasitical. They infect and live off existing courses and transform them from the inside. Existing courses are turned into vectors of perpetual peace and must find other hosts to infect. The Perpetual Peace Academy is intentionally nomadic and exists only through its instantiations in existing and new courses. The Academy is no longer in its dormancy.The Academy is spreading.
More information on events, programming, and courses is coming soon!